He fears that until state subsidies are removed, Russia will never have a truly free press 他担心在取消国家补助之前,俄罗斯将根本不会有真正自由的媒体。
They've also slashed state subsidies to utilities and transportation. 他们还大幅削减了对公共事业和交通运输的政府补贴。
But the International Monetary Fund warned recently that Iran will have to cut state subsidies and shave government spending if oil prices stay below$ 90 a barrel. 但国际货币基金组织(IMF)近期警告说,如果油价跌破每桶90美元,伊朗就不得不削减国家补贴和政府支出。
He also accused Huawei and ZTE, two Chinese makers of telecommunications equipment, of benefiting from illegal state subsidies. 他还指责华为和中兴这两家中国电信设备制造商受益于非法的国家补贴。
Huawei and ZTE have denied any dumping practices or receiving illegal state subsidies. 华为和中兴否认有任何倾销行为,也否认获得过不正当的政府补贴。
Suppressed inflation, thanks to state subsidies of fuel, is running at two or three percentage points. 得益于国家对能源补贴,抑制性通货膨胀水平一直保持在2%-3%。
In spite of entrenched opposition he liberalised the airline and telecommunications industries, curbed state subsidies and put in place a framework for EU Merger Policy that exists today. 尽管遭到习惯势力的反对,他仍放宽了政府对航空业与电信业的管制,缩减了国家补贴,并落实了欧盟现行的并购政策框架。
Malaysia has suggested it may cut state subsidies this year for petrol because it accounts for a large part of the government budget deficit. 马来西亚已暗示今年可能削减国家汽油补贴,因为此项支出在政府预算赤字所占的比例很大。
We are both agreed that we must protect the single market – the cornerstone of Europe's economic success – by holding to the rules on state subsidies and competition policy. 我们两人都认为,必须通过坚持遵循有关政府补贴和竞争政策的规定,来保护这个单一市场,它是欧洲经济成功的基石。
The local government has long been wine-friendly and now there are state subsidies to instil order and trellising into old, unkempt vineyards. 当地政府长期历来支持葡萄酒产业,如今又将政府补贴渗透到订单中去,并对陈旧杂乱的葡萄园进行架棚整饬。
State subsidies have not kept pace with the property boom. 国家补贴赶不上房地产繁荣的速度。
But there is a further contentious issue the level of state subsidies business schools will receive. 然而,还有另一个有争议的问题:商学院将获得的政府补贴水平。
The lost artefacts fund, an organisation that finances itself from private donations and state subsidies, said Mr Cai had taken part in the auction on its behalf. 中华抢救流失海外文物专项基金表示,蔡铭超代表该基金参与了拍卖。该基金的资金来源为私人捐赠和国家补贴。
In China, many domestic manufacturers receive state subsidies. 在中国,许多国内企业接受国家补贴。
More broadly, it underlines a growing debate over the use of state subsidies, which governments have increasingly deployed to prop up favoured industries in a weak global economy. 从更广泛的意义上来说,它突显出各国围绕政府补贴日益激烈的争论。在全球经济疲软的背景下,各国政府增加了对政府补贴的使用来支持其青睐的行业。
It survived for decades on state subsidies, providing benefits for its30,000 workers but making low-quality ferrous metals that earned poor returns. 数十年来,邯钢一直依靠政府的补贴来维持其30000名工人的生活,而只能生产出廉价且劣质的黑色金属。
Chinese companies, backed by state subsidies, are increasingly breaking out of their domestic market and challenging Western companies for market share in their own economies and those of third countries. 在国家补贴的支持下,中国企业正逐渐走出国内市场,挑战西方企业,和它们在其本土和第三方国家争夺市场份额。
Generous state subsidies lifted even the very poor out of need. 丰厚的政府补助金甚至让那些穷困潦倒的人也摆脱了贫穷。
Guangdong has opened 40 similar low-priced grocery stores this year, keeping prices low through a combination of state subsidies and direct buying from farmers. 今年广东省已经有40家类似的平价商店开业,通过政府补贴和直接从农户采购,来确保菜价低廉。
Exhibitors said they had benefited from state subsidies of as much as one third of costs to make the expensive journey to the NEC. 参展商表示,为了此次昂贵的英国之旅,政府补贴了三分之一的费用。
However, he says state subsidies and preferential policies for chemical fertilisers are reducing the competitiveness of alternatives. 但他认为,国家在化肥上的补贴和优惠政策削弱了生物肥料的市场竞争力。
The visitors discovered that the answer was not industrial policy or state subsidies, as they had expected, but business innovation. 出乎意料的是,他们发现问题的答案并不在于工业政策或政府补贴,而在于商业创新。
Insiders say that demand by men for Riester pensions has not slackened but they wonder whether that would be true in the absence of state subsidies. 知情人称男人们购买“里斯特养老金”的人数并未因此而减少,但他们对在政府财政补贴不足的情况下这一制度还能否实行下去抱有疑问。
In economic transition process, state subsidies to the banks because of government's "paternalism" induce the banks to take excessive risk and expand credit rationally. 在我国经济转轨进程中,政府因其父爱主义不可避免的对银行进行补贴,外部的资金注入使得银行有了过度承担风险的激励,信贷扩张成为理性的选择;
So starting with the main four parts concerned with and benefit from the loan, including the government, universities, banks and students, several methods and policies were put forward about improving state subsidies 'repayment rate. 从国家助学贷款主要涉及和受益的四个方面(即政府、高校、银行和学生)入手,分析并提出了一些有助于提高国家助学贷款还贷率的策略和途径。
To supply some enterprises with certain state subsidies for technological improvement, pollution reduction, and net economic benefit increase; 由国家给予某些企业一定的补贴,限期提高技术,减少污染,增加净经济效益;
Meanwhile, in China, a long time, the state and farmers in rural surplus limited segmentation process there is a delicate balance State subsidies system and the basic function is to maintain this balance. 另外,在中国,长期以来,国家与农户在分割有限农村剩余过程中存在一种脆弱的平衡,而国家农贷制度的基本功能则是维持这种平衡。
From rationality, guarantee the stability, state subsidies, to gradually transfer, difference between the treated and the absorption of six respects analysised state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise come off asset of blame management sex principle. 从合理性、保证稳定、国家补贴、逐步移交、区别对待和吸收合并六个方面分析了国有大中型企业剥离非经营性资产的原则。
So during the subsidies the farmers were strong dependence of state subsidies, the farmers 'future livelihood of the villagers' development existed certain issues. 从而表现出退耕补助发放期间农民对国家补助的强大依赖性,村民未来的生计和村庄的可持续发展问题尤为突出。
Because of the behavior logic "no trouble-making", rural basic level which in a marginal position in the food subsidies policy do not want to pay much attention to state subsidies or grain-growing. 在粮食补贴政策中处于边缘性位置的乡村基层,无事为大的行为逻辑使其对国家补贴或农民种粮的关注微乎其微。